One Stone takes the plunge into 2020
Winter Exploration kicked off at One Stone HQ on January 6, 2020. Learners are beginning the new year by jumping into learning experiences called Cannonballs.
You know the feeling.
You’re standing at the edge of a shimmering expanse of water, toes tensed in anticipation, and you’re ready to take the leap. But before you launch, there’s just one more thing you have to do. You state your intention in the biggest booming voice you can muster, so everyone around you knows what’s about to happen.
This is how One Stone learners began the new year, as part of their Winter Exploration. Not by jumping into water in the literal sense, but by plunging into a variety of topics in short, splashy learning experiences called Cannonballs. In contrast with a Deep Dive, each Cannonball is focused on looking at the breadth of a topic, issue or skill and highlighted by lots of hands-on experience, readings, tours and visits over the course of three weeks.
In other words, a quick refreshing dip that makes a big splash.
Cannonball topics for this Winter Exploration range from wellness to oil painting. Here’s a look at what we’re jumping into:
Mind Into Matter – Like a game show competition, teams compete to turn mind into matter. This is an exploration into the maker’s mindset and the technical skills of both digital and traditional tools of design and construction.
Oil Painting Technique – In this Cannonball, learners create a black and white painting, a monochrome painting, and a color painting while painting with intention to make the process meaningful for each person.
Cooking for Social Justice – This experience involves getting out in the community exploring access to food, observing how our greater community shops and cooks, and getting hands dirty and bellies full using the One Stone kitchen.
The Way Things Work – Exploring the six classical simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw), learners develop a deeper understanding of the machines, digital devices, and structures we interact with on a daily basis.
Comedy Sport – The intention of this Cannonball is to practice a unique brand of public speaking, while meeting with local comedians, checking out Boise ComedySportz, and laughing our way through viewings of funny skit performances, sitcoms, and films.
Boise Rock – In keeping with NPR’s popular Tiny Desk concert series, students ventured to Boise Rock School to finesse their performance skills and learn how to create interesting intimate mini-concerts.
The Code of Tomorrow – Incredible advances in medical science, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical science, and artificial intelligence can raise serious ethical questions. This Cannonball explores emerging these biotechnologies along with their ethical, cultural, and societal implications.
Winter Wellness: Mind over Weather – When winter hits, outdoor activities often go into hibernation. During this experience, learners explore the mindsets and practices that can reduce barriers to staying active as well as the benefits of getting outside when the temperature drops and daylight dwindles.